If you have school-aged children just about anywhere in Oregon (and maybe even if you don’t), you’ve probably heard that SOMETHING is happening this Wednesday, May 8th. School districts all over the state will not be open or will...
My son is turning one at the end of the month and I am full of many emotions.  I can hardly believe that a year ago we welcomed our sweet little baby boy into our lives.  I'm sad to...
Toddlers are busy. Their brains are doing so many amazing things, reaching significant milestones in their development and learning something new in basically a new body every day.  And, sometimes, that development can make life feel hard - for them...
It was another typical, stressful morning. The kids were playing legos instead of getting dressed. There was sword fighting with toothbrushes instead of brushing teeth. Eating breakfast somehow involved dance moves and a bowl of cereal ended up on...
So apparently my daughter knows the F-word. Come to find out, she also knows a lot of other swear words as well. She’s not alone, though. In the same conversation where she revealed her expanding vocabulary, it was also...
I would love to see my children's confidence grow as vast as can be. Confidence in who they are, who they want to become, a new talent that they would like to try. Confidence that they can do whatever...
Ok, mamas. The school year is starting, and that fall buzz is in the air. You’ve got the crayons, backpacks, notebooks, and lunch boxes all in order (or not, if you’re more like me). And you probably can’t wait...
We recently acquired two new members of the household. They are sisters who wake me every morning with their Broadway vocals, doff their dresses to join my daughter in the bath, and hijack at least 78% of our family’s...
back to school year do less

Six Back to School Tips

It is that time of the year again: back to school! How many of us are ready for the routine to begin again? The early mornings, the school lunches, the drops offs and pick ups? The morning madness and...
"Hey, hey, HEY! What is going on in here? In this house we don't fight with our sister, we fight for her." This seems to be a common refrain for me these days, as I seek to break through the...

Recommended Reading

Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, sad, or otherwise out of sorts each winter, it’s possible you’re dealing with seasonal depression or Seasonal...