Teaching Kids to Finish Well
There is much hope in any beginning, and a new school year is filled with many. In order to see those hopes realized in my family, we are all ready talking about the end of...
3 Questions to Ask When Leaving the SAHM Stage
Starting this September I will no longer be the mother of a preschooler. My youngest child is officially loading his backpack and heading out to school. As a former SAHM, this means I am...
Raising Wonder Women: Parenting Lesson’s From DC’s Latest Blockbuster
I have a special affinity for superhero films, but my anticipation for Warner Bros. Studio's "Wonder Woman" has been unique. I remember watching reruns of Lynda Carter's Diana Prince that hit the 1970's with...
Emerging from the Winter Blues
With all of its festivity and yuletide joys, winter's official kickoff in December is easily greeted, but something sinister looms on the other side of New Year's Eve, the winter blues. I began to...
Movie Marathons to Enjoy With Your Kids
I recently had the joy of taking one of my daughters to see a classic movie from my own childhood. I relish the times when I get to share what I loved as a...
Hello Spring! My Four Favorite Things About This Season
That groundhog told us six more weeks of winter on February 2nd, and I am glad to see those weeks come to an end. It is time to say goodbye to the winter that...
Mom Confessions: How Motherhood Reveals Our Crazy
Don't try and hide it, mamas. We know your crazy has shown in new ways since you ventured out into the world of motherhood. I polled the other moms with the question, "How has...
Dos and Don’ts of Being Both Parent and Friend
I no longer have babies or toddlers, and am on the brink of waving goodbye to the preschool stage for good. I love parenting these children who are no longer babies, but are yet...
20 Things My Kids Don’t Realize They Should be Grateful For
Thanksgiving is here! Social media channels are filled with gratitude, "thankfulness challenges," and butter-laden recipes. Families are preparing to gather around golden turkeys and pumpkin pie to share this year's, "I am grateful for ...
The Candy-Loving Mom’s Guide to Leftover Halloween Candy
Halloween has a tendency to leave a very full bag (or two, or three or more, depending on how many kids you have) of not-so-nutritious sweets lurking in your house. I have a brood...