So often, whether you are a teacher, a parent, or both, you will no doubt hear the words, "But why?" from your children - especially when you are telling them to do something. And what is the response that...
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, or caregiver, I can almost guarantee there have been times that you may have lost your temper with your children. Perhaps, even more than once, in a particularly stressful day. I know...
We all know the scene: our children are running around pointing sticks or Nerf guns at each other shooting, attacking, and killing each other and then celebrating and rejoicing in their victory. For many of us, our knee-jerk response...
We’re all still at home! Can you believe it? You may be racking your brain for more and more ideas how to keep your children engaged, busy, and productive during this time. Hopefully, you have taken some of our...
We all know that times are hard, especially now. The future is uncertain and we don’t know when (if ever) things will get back to normal. We are spending more time at home and less time doing activities that...
My sister mentioned to me she has started to teach her daughter to “check in.” She learned this strategy from the way I parent my kids. It got me thinking about why I taught them to check in when...
Stamped feet and hands on hips, my three-year-old and I were locked in a power struggle across the daycare parking lot. I am the parent and he is the child but I was a lifeline away from being a...
"Nope, not going to happen" was my consistent response to my husband when he put homeschooling on the table. He always reminded me that I have a Masters of Science in Education, and I would remind him of my...
The two to four-year-old age group is unique. Sandwiched somewhere between baby and kid, their impulse control and ability to express and regulate emotions are still developing. This can be a challenge for parents used to communicating with those...

Recommended Reading

Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, sad, or otherwise out of sorts each winter, it’s possible you’re dealing with seasonal depression or Seasonal...