It's here! The PMC 2023 Guide to Portland Summer Camps is live! Find everything you need to learn about our regions very best that summer has to offer!
Exhausted, I stared at my computer with nothing to say. Taylor Swift’s song, "This Is Me Trying," played in the background, insisting, "I just wanted you to know that this is me trying, / At least I’m trying." I...
I have two very hilarious little humans in my house, full of depth, interests, and curiosity. For as much as they laugh and play together, they can also be like night and day. My daughter has been drawn to...
Here in Portland, we're in the thick of the wet and gray. Winter Solstice promises that the days are getting longer, but those longer days will still be wearing clouds as a blanket for months to come. Even so,...
We are coming upon the time where, for just a moment, the sun is thought to “stand still”. Sol (the sun) - Sistere - (stand still). Much like the top or bottom of a breath, the solstice refers to the suns...
I’ve always struggled to keep my home clean. I blame my mom for that. She used to tell me "If you can’t do a job right, then don’t do it." She meant well, obviously it was encouragement to do...
Loyalty to Santa Claus can be pretty serious business. I grew up just outside of Philadelphia, not far from the birthplace of the American “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus,” commercialized version of the beloved figure. In my...
My five-year-old’s face lit with excitement as we pulled into our driveway on the first rainy day of the season. The yellow leaves had started falling, and it finally felt like fall after a long, hot summer. As only...
It’s that time of year again when all the Positive Patsy's come out to shine their light and joy on us all. We should be so grateful *insert eye roll.*  If you’re sick of hearing about gratitude lists and positive...
Some of my favorite childhood memories involve my mom and her superpower of helping others. I remember her taking me to hand out cookies at a local shelter when I was 7, buying gifts for a classmate and doing...

Recommended Reading

Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, sad, or otherwise out of sorts each winter, it’s possible you’re dealing with seasonal depression or Seasonal...