I first entered motherhood when my oldest daughter was born nine years ago. Fast forward to now and I have given birth to a second daughter, adopted three from foster care, and fostered five more. Over the years, I have...
She looked at me and asked, “Is he your only child?” "Yup, he's it," I respond and then shift in the awkward silence. She is looking me over as if she is wanting an explanation, all while her kids are...
I have three kids, and only two of them grew in my tummy.  Our youngest son, Asher, was born in Thailand and joined our family through adoption when he was 22 months old.  Our adoption journey has been amazing,...
My intention was always to have at least two kids. My husband is an only child and felt quite strongly about having a sibling for our then almost three year old. It was while we were trying to get...
I am a wife of ten years, and stay-at-home mother to three little ones under eight. From an outsider’s perspective, I appear to be just an average church-going, minivan-driving, play date-attending mom. But on the inside I have a...

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Choosing the Right Bike Gear for Your Child: A Guide for...

Do you remember learning to ride a bike? I remember the exhilaration and freedom, riding around on my hand-me-down bright yellow banana-seat Schwinn (think...