You're busy. You're not sure you have the time, energy, or finances to live zero waste. I get it. But we can all start somewhere. Introducing even small lifestyle changes in the daily whirlwind can feel so good. Not...
In the last 100 years since the invention of plastic, less than 10% of the world’s plastic has been recycled. Yikes. I read this and looked around my house. Every piece of plastic glowed like a neon sign. Even...
I don't want this to be just another sustainable Christmas post you think about for two seconds then head off to do your Christmas shopping. I want this post to stay in your mind, capture your imagination, and ignite a fire within you. I...
Every year after the holidays I am overcome with this intense urge to purge and donate all of our belongings. There’s nothing like reading the articles about making do with less “stuff” (while being bombarded with non-stop advertising), paired with...
In our house, we’ve been making more sustainable choices, from cutting down on plastic to reducing food waste. Our choices are often both ecological and economical, with more durable, long-term options replacing their disposable counterparts. While not entirely zero-waste,...
The kitchen for most families is the hub of activity, the place where families and friends are brought together to enjoy good food and wine. It's where refrigerators and pantries store raw ingredients and staples, where fresh coffee is...
Did you know that the carbon impact of a child born in the US is more than 160 times the impact of a child born in Bangladesh? When you consider for a second the dramatic differences in lifestyle, culture,...
Mothering during a 'quiet' time of the year can be all-consuming, exhausting, and a challenge of endurance and ingenuity. Then, as the festive period approaches, we’re expected to find extra hours in our days to prepare, cook, clean, and...
I never thought of myself as an advocate for the environment. As a matter of fact, I do not think I ever actually cared for the environment; not in any active manner at least. The environment and I had always...
I saw the news story last week and panic set in at rapid pace. I frantically read the article titled, State Finds Alarmingly High Arsenic and Cadmium Levels Near Two SE Portland Schools. It stated that arsenic and cadmium levels...

Recommended Reading

Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, sad, or otherwise out of sorts each winter, it’s possible you’re dealing with seasonal depression or Seasonal...