I was grocery shopping at Winco several years ago with my baby son who had just starting to sit upright in the cart. I wiped the cart down with at least 100 sanitizing wipes and padded him in with a blanket. I was still at the “let’s put a bubble around him” kind of stage, so you can imagine my concern when a lady approached him in the bulk foods section while I was trying to decide which dried fruit to buy. She walked right up to him and leaned in close; I think she even reached out for his cheeks. At the risk of sounding judgmental, she was either on drugs or coming off of them. Her face was tired and her clothes were very dirty. Even though my first instinct was to politely smile and push my cart away, I paused for a minute and let her talk to him. He flashed his big brown eyes and smiled, showing off his single dimple. Her face lit up and a smile filled her face with such joy that tears welled up in her eyes. Maybe she just really liked babies or maybe a sweet encounter with an innocent child is just what she needed that day.
I wiped my tears and pushed my cart over to the refrigerator aisle, pondering what I had just witnessed and feeling a little ashamed for my initial judgement. That day was the first of many lessons for me to let my son be an encouragement and joy to others, and to take him with me when maybe it would be easier and more convenient to get a sitter.
Of course my husband and I still have date nights and time alone for just the two of us. The times we leave him with friends and family are so very important and what keep us connected as a couple. It’s the everyday events I want to share with my son, like grocery shopping, volunteering, and running errands. Or when someone is sick or hurting and we take them a meal, he can be a bright light in a dark or sad situation. I will admit, it isn’t always easy trying to multi-task the mom role while comforting a friend or being productive. I find, though, it’s during the times I most wanted to be kid-free for a couple hours that he is most used by God to spread joy.
A close friend of mine was going through a difficult season. She needed to talk and I had to leave my house because it was being shown to a potential buyer. I loaded up my four-year-old son and our family dog and asked her if she would join me at the park where she could talk and I would try and listen. We sat at the edge of the playground while my son ran around and played. We were the only ones there, and she cried and poured her heart out to me about the discouragement she was facing. My heart broke as I searched for the perfect words. We sat in silence for a moment and then up walked my son with a stick. Yes, a stick! He handed it to her and said, “Here you go, if you ever feel bad, just use the stick.” His words weren’t profound, rather it was the compassion he extended that put a smile on her face.
The beautiful thing about kids is they don’t over-analyze a situation or search for the perfect thing to say. They simply speak from the heart. Often times I’m afraid he will be too loud or say the wrong thing. Usually I find it to be just the opposite. So, I bring him with me, I watch him close, I listen and let him be a blessing to those he comes in contact with. I take him and I let him spread joy.
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