Katrina McGiffin
5 Ways to Celebrate the Winter Solstice
We are coming upon the time where, for just a moment, the sun is thought to “stand still”.
Sol (the sun) - Sistere - (stand still).
Much like the top or bottom of a breath, the...
5 Gratitude Practices for the Dinner Table
We are knee deep in the season of gratitude, a time of year where we are nudged to reflect on all there is in our life for which to be thankful.
And, what a wonderful...
A Mindful Approach to Halloween Candy
Halloween has a tendency to create some conflicted feelings in us as parents.
Our child self so deeply remembers the joy of having the opportunity to gather vast amounts of candy, swapping and enjoying to...
5 Ways to Nourish the Transition to Fall
Summer is usually carried right into September here in the NW, though the hints of fall are unmistakeable. Crisp mornings, earlier evenings, and waving the children off to school are all signs that point us...