I think we can all agree that, as far as our kids are concerned, life is just better when grandma and grandpa are around. Take for example going out to dinner. Whether this is a regular occurrence or a...
A few weeks ago, my husband and I made a deal. We decided that we needed to step up our self-care game. He joined a gym and I’m taking Wednesday nights off from mom-duty. He chooses sweating and suffering...
“Mom,” says my four-year-old son, Kyle, as he holds out a dollhouse figurine with a sparkly gown. “This one looks just like Cinderella.” He pauses, looks wistfully at the doll for a moment, then looks up at me, "When...
Fall and winter used to be my favorite time of year. Beautiful leaves, crisp air, and daily reminders to cuddle up on the couch with a book or tuck into bed early. Cute boots, cozy accessories, and flattering jackets…I...
I have never been a stranger to hobbies have always loved houseplants. However, the pandemic kicked what was once a casual interest into a full-on obsession, and somewhere in the haze of the past two years, my previous count...
It is officially that time of year. The gray has become too much, hunkering down with cozy socks is no longer charming or cozy, and the wanderlust is overpowering. I’m dreaming of Palm Springs, Belize, Prague, and the numerous...
A few months ago my family stopped going out to eat. It was something my husband and I previously loved to do, but we were at a stage with our kids (just turned 4 and 18 months) where every...
It's almost Mother's Day and you know what that means? It is the one day we moms can request anything we want. Of course it's also a day we celebrate our own mom and express much thanks for all...
Some piano teachers take the summer off. Not Mr. Hoffman! Summer vacation is the perfect time to start piano lessons with Hoffman Academy. Here are five reasons to jump right in: Relaxed Summer Schedules Everyone looks forward to a break from...
If you’ve ever watched a group of kids gathered around a pile of birthday gifts, you know exactly how my kids’ faces looked when Play Fair PDX's Play Box arrived on our front porch. They couldn’t wait to tear...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...