There is something going on in my house that I can't quite explain. The first week or two of the stay-at-home order I gave myself and my family a lot of grace and space to "settle in" to a...
We’re closing in on the last weeks of summer. The novelty is gone, everyone is home ALL THE TIME. The constant requests for snacks and my new role as referee have grown a little tiring, but there are a...
Oregon certainly is green, but that doesn't mean money trees grow in our backyards. Fortunately, with all of the opportunities for fun that summer offers, there are plenty that don't cost a thing. So save a buck (or twenty)...
Ahhhh, fall. My favorite season! I can smell it in the air just after a rain or in the cool of the evening, I see it as the hills are sprinkled with color, and I taste it in a...
Northeast Portland is a wonderful place to live. Diverse and ever changing, this neighborhood is a hotbed of new restaurants, bars, community events, and family friendly activities. With parks for rose lovers, dog lovers, and nature lovers, we’ve got...
Spring is here! Every time spring rolls around, it brings an appreciation for the longer days, warmer weather, and blooming flowers and trees of the season. My family tends to hibernate a bit in the winter, so once spring...
Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to gather with family and friends... except this year. In true 2020 fashion, many of us are upending our plans and foregoing the typical Thanksgiving experience. With so much upheaval in this season, why...
The Oregon Ravens are a professional women's football team who are defying gender barriers in the sport. Last month, we featured a few of the players to learn what inspired them to start their football journey. This week, were...
It’s hard to believe that after the beautiful, hot summer we’ve just had here in Portland, boot and sweater season is now upon us. Kids are asking about Halloween costumes, and I’m starting to over-indulge in pumpkin spice everything...
We live in an amazing city, overflowing with beautiful yoga spaces, talented teachers, and a community that supports women in this sacred season. Motherhood often requests so much from us externally. For me, prenatal yoga fosters time to listen to my...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...