Get to Know Your Neighborhood! A Scavenger Hunt for Pacific Northwest Kids
Getting outside can be hard, and trying to figure out where and how can be even harder. Don’t despair parents! There is hope for those of us who don’t have a ton of time,...
Five Firsts for an Autumn Baby in Portland
There’s something about Portland autumns: the crispness in the air on a brisk morning, the golden tinge to the sunlight, the colors sweeping over the landscape in brassy reds and yellows. This season happens...
Five Tips for Camping with a Baby
We took our baby camping. I’m here to tell you that it is not only possible, it’s awesome! Camping with a baby requires some fortitude and the ability to adapt. But we’re parents. Adapting...
Outdoor Anticipation vs. Outdoor Actuality with a Toddler
I had a lot of grand ideas about what I planned to do with my kid once he could walk. The outdoor actuality with a toddler was not yet realized, the anticipation was still...
Failure to Thrive in Motherhood
I did not set out to fail. I set out to be a no-nonsense, strong mama bear who would stand for her children and herself and be a beacon of feminism and maternity. I...
The Comparison Conundrum
We know not to compare. We know that every baby is different. Given a long enough timeline, nearly every baby will talk and walk and have all their teeth. We're all doing the best...
Creating New Traditions
The holidays are a time to gather with family and sink into the familiar traditions that you remember as a child. The evolution of tradition is inevitable when you begin your own family, but...
Choosing a Portland City Neighborhood: A Mom’s Guide to Northeast Portland
Northeast Portland is a wonderful place to live. Diverse and ever changing, this neighborhood is a hotbed of new restaurants, bars, community events, and family friendly activities. With parks for rose lovers, dog lovers,...
The Trepidation of Turning One
It only happens once in a child’s life. The great first birthday. There’s something about ‘one’ that gets us parents in a fervor. Turning one isn’t just the first real birthday we can celebrate...
A Mom and a Baby Get Outside: Tryon Creek
I spend a great deal of my time telling other people that taking their kids outside is not only a good idea, it’s a great idea! Think of all the things they’ll see! Think...