Woman holding up a smiling face over her own face

Imposter Syndrome for Moms

Today I yelled at my daughter for not eating her cereal fast enough. Then we couldn't find matching socks. Then we couldn't find a hair tie. Then I remembered that none of us had brushed our teeth. I am...
School boundaries are a big deal right now if you’re in the Portland Public School (PPS) or Beaverton School (BSD) districts.  I am not talking the “please stay out of my space” boundaries. I mean the school boundaries that devastate parents...
You know that prenatal yoga class and meditation you keep meaning to do? It might help you and your baby after birth. The birth of your baby is a very special time! It can also be one marked by...
It's almost back-to-school, an exciting time because kids are growing, seasons are changing, and I’m about to have three kids in school all day for the first time. Huzzah! Each fall, the dramatic return to daily schedules feels like a...
The days are long but the years are short. Early childhood is the longest shortest time. Yada, yada, yada. Why is parenting such a perplexing conundrum? I call it the cha cha because it so often feels like for...
My little girl wants to be Wonder Woman. She puts on that outfit and vanquishes bad guys and saves the world. She spins and jumps and lassos until she is stopped mid leap by the full length mirror in my...
Few things elicit my momma bear instincts more than when my child’s feelings are hurt because of a friend. It’s a horrible feeling if your child wasn’t invited to a birthday party or if their friend left them out....
Being a mom is hard. Some things I can manage decently, but then there are other things about momming that I really suck at. Here are my top five mom things I suck at and why: 1. Grocery Shopping As a...
As a school employee, I've been asked by many friends, families and neighbors about my feelings regarding the reopening of schools. My answer changes daily and I’m sure it will continue to evolve as we gather information concerning the...
My husband and I split up when our daughters were three and six, relegating them to years of splitting time between our two homes. This was not ideal. I’ve suffered agonizing hours of guilt and shame for putting them...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...