We recently acquired two new members of the household. They are sisters who wake me every morning with their Broadway vocals, doff their dresses to join my daughter in the bath, and hijack at least 78% of our family’s...
I turned off the bedside light and was quiet for a moment, then said, "I think we're done nursing."  My husband, who falls asleep practically the moment his head hits the pillow, replied, "Well, you guys had a good...
Woman holding up a smiling face over her own face

Imposter Syndrome for Moms

Today I yelled at my daughter for not eating her cereal fast enough. Then we couldn't find matching socks. Then we couldn't find a hair tie. Then I remembered that none of us had brushed our teeth. I am...
We are a no-shoes-in-the-house family; at least that is the rule we, or I, set for our family. This means  we have a bin at the front and back doors where shoes with mucky soles go, and only socks...
I have to start by saying, I LOVE giving gifts. I am notorious for giving belated birthday gifts in my family because I am always trying to find the *just right* present and sometimes that takes me until after...
I vividly remember the conversation. My friend and I were standing in my kitchen, joking about how tempted we were make our six-year-old daughters drink of out sippy cups. Not because they didn’t know how to drink from a...
It took exchanging more text messages than usual to find a window of time to connect for our monthly phone chat. Juggling schedules and kids is always a bit of a dance, but the back and forth of this...
Personal responsibility was on the decline with my kids and I wasn't sure why. Shoes were being left in the hallway, toothpaste clumps stayed stuck to the sink, and clothes were rolled under the bed or behind the dresser....
My younger sister is having her first baby in October, and it has been so much fun preparing to welcome a new little one into our family. My kids are five and three, so while pregnancy and all things...
According to Albert Einstein, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Based on this definition for being insane, and thanks to motherhood, I've lost my ever-loving mind. Every day I tell...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...