My son Tabor has been an only child for seven years. To be honest, he’s got a pretty sweet gig going; undivided attention from not just two, but FOUR parents (his dad and I both are remarried). Ever since...
Remember the pre-kid days? When you could leisurely stroll through trendy shops (the ones with the adorable, tiny knick-knacks that are only placed at lower levels to stress moms out) and buy clothes you loved and couldn’t wait to...
Dear pregnant me in 2005, First, I need you to walk to your closet and find the pink striped maternity shirt. Take it out of the closet, walk straight to the garbage can, and just toss it in. It’s not...
A woman pregnant with twins seems to be a natural spectacle. And I get it; carrying more than one baby is kind of crazy and fascinating. Seriously, I feel that way on a daily basis. So you can imagine...
Mother's Day 2020 is not going to play out how we imagined earlier this year. There's probably no meal out or relaxing day at the spa to celebrate just how awesome we are as moms. And, let's get real. We...
October is a month is set aside to bring awareness to the roughly  25% of pregnancies that do not reach full-term. Specifically, October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.  We feel the loss of our babies, whether...
I’m a midwife and mummy of three. I’ve delivered hundreds of babies in different countries and cultures around the world, from Africa to Australia. Birth is both my profession and passion, therefore making the right choice for my own...
April marks my daughter’s first birthday, making a year since our vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Birthdays feel like the real beginning of the year for me. Especially this year, as we slowly emerge from the hibernation of a...
  I have two daughters, so have two stories, but they are so integrally related and my first story defines my second and my second defines my first so importantly that they have become one story. Annabel Wren was born June...
Surrogacy is becoming more and more common, but it is often misunderstood. Did you know that Oregon is one of the most surrogacy-friendly states in the country, while it is still illegal in Washington state? The surrogacy landscape is...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...