A life with three wonderful boys… It’s not easy being a mom of three. It’s a full-time career. Add to that the job of being...
Dear Portland, I can barely afford you. We may need to break up. Look, I love you. Like, you changed my life at 15 when I...
Ah, the day is done, the kids are in bed, and I've poured myself a well-deserved glass of sweet, velvety, red wine. Just as...
Thinking about strangers staying in your home or sleeping in your bed are always the top objections friends share when I tell them we...
My mum recently confided in me that she still suffers guilt from my brother and my very 'humble' childhood. My parents couldn't really afford...
Summer is over and the kids are back at school. You're thinking this might be the time to create that home-based business you've been...
Starting this September I will no longer be the mother of a preschooler. My youngest child is officially loading his backpack and heading out...
It's official. I've decided to go back to school for my Master's Degree. This will either be the best or worst idea I've ever...
The idea of returning to work after being home with my son since his birth seven years ago was just that, an idea. There were...
My kids are now both in school. Full time. All day. And by full time, I mean six hours. Which is enough time to...

Recommended Reading

Choosing the Best Summer Camp for Your STEM Kid

Back in my childhood days, many decades ago, summer camps were almost exclusively athletic and competitive in nature. We non-athletic kiddos didn’t have a...