Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to gather with family and friends... except this year. In true 2020 fashion, many of us are upending our plans and foregoing the typical Thanksgiving experience. With so much upheaval in this season, why...
red and white joy

Finding Joy in the Struggle

A well-loved red and white pillow rests on my couch, gifted to me years ago for Christmas. "JOY" is sewn on the front, and as I reposition the pillow to my liking, my mind contemplates on the complexity of...
Mother's Day is coming up, and since I am the crafty one in the family I decided to make some stepping stones for my backyard. My garden is just starting to bloom, and as the weather gets warmer and...
New Years resolutions are inevitable. Even when I say I’m not going to make them, I’m unintentionally making a resolution to not make resolutions! I hear the same things every year, too. Lose weight. Travel more. Try new things. Volunteer...
Halloween is over, and suddenly we are faced with the next holiday on the list! The anxiety starts mounting; we start thinking of making others happy, all the while we just want to stay home in our PJs. It’s...
Though Juneteenth precedes the other mid-June holidays of Fathers' Day and the Summer Solstice (and school ending for some), explaining the meaning of Juneteenth can be more complex than these other celebrations. Juneteenth observes the end of slavery in...
The holidays can seem like a whirl of lights, bells, parties, and sugar. It can be hard to slow down and appreciate the wonders of the season in the midst of the Christmas chaos. With a new baby due...
Welcome to the, holidays! Does this holiday scenario sound familiar to you? You go home to open arms. No criticism. Everyone agrees. There’s no place you’d rather be!OR, you try to avoid your family, which causes tension. You...
Mother's Day 2020 is not going to play out how we imagined earlier this year. There's probably no meal out or relaxing day at the spa to celebrate just how awesome we are as moms. And, let's get real. We...
A handful of years ago, I looked through stacks of our old family photos. I came across one picture that left a pit in my stomach. How much celebration of white supremacy can fit in a 4 x 6 photo? The...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...