happy family

The Secret of a Good Day

I've learned many things about parenting and relationships since becoming a mother six years ago. I've also learned a good deal about myself; my strengths and capacities. The most important lesson, however, was also the hardest one to learn:...
This is dedicated to all the mothers who are giving your children a better childhood than the one you had. To all the parents who’ve experienced trauma, either in your adult life or as children (possibly at the hands...
As moms, we are not only taking care of ourselves, but the entire family as well. This is why it is important we get the most of every doctor’s visit. We make sure we have good health insurance, take...
“Nice twerking today,” my friend said to me as she passed by me on the way out of my Zumba dancing class. “What?” I spinned around in shock, but she was gone. Who me? Twerking? No, not me. I’m a Mom. Moms...

When I Feel So Angry

I felt like I was going to explode. I saw the frying pan on the stove and thought if I hit it against the wall, I could calm the rage I was feeling inside. I considered giving myself an...
My husband was driving home from work one day and made a quick stop at the store to pick up a few items. He was hungry so he bought a good-sized bag of Boom Chicka Pop, knowing a couple...
Maybe you’ve seen us walking down to Tom McCall Waterfront Park or spied us on the Willamette in our dragon-shaped boats. Perhaps you have thought to yourself “who are those people?” or “what are they doing?” Well, we are dragon boaters, and...
As the weather turns from gray and frigid and vaccinations are becoming more abundant, we are starting to emerge from our homes. Some of us are putting on real pants for the first time in a long while and...
Did you have a baby recently and you now pee every time you stand up or laugh? You’re not alone! Urinary incontinence is common among postpartum women and it’s not talked about enough. Here are five important things to...
When I gave birth to my son over two years ago, to say that I was out of shape would be an understatement. My pregnancy was full of bed rest, all-you-can-eat ice cream binges, maternity sweat pants, and peanut...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...