Summer is usually carried right into September here in the NW, though the hints of fall are unmistakeable. Crisp mornings, earlier evenings, and waving the children off to school are all signs that point us to the inevitable transition. As much...
The kitchen for most families is the hub of activity, the place where families and friends are brought together to enjoy good food and wine. It's where refrigerators and pantries store raw ingredients and staples, where fresh coffee is...
Pea Leek Soup is one of my favorite ways to get in veggies for the day. I love that you can pack in so many servings of healthy greens without having to face another plate of salad to get the...
With the Super Bowl just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what to cook up on game day! I don’t think I am alone in professing that one of my favorite snack foods this year has become Buffalo Chicken Dip....
When I started meal prepping my goal was less about wanting to lose weight and more about wanting to feel better. I also wanted a healthy relationship with food, I wanted to not hate exercise, and I wanted to...
In November of 2017 I had a little heart-to-heart with myself; “Girl nobody is going to lose the weight for you. Nobody else is going to go to the gym with you, count calories, or go to a meeting....
Having a smaller holiday get together this year? Not sure how to downsize your favorite dishes? Don't want to make a huge meal? I hear ya! And, I have a crazy idea: don't make them! This year has been anything...
We all want to raise our kids to live the best lives they can. We want them to be safe, happy, healthy. This is especially true when we talk about bodies and food. As a licensed therapist specializing in eating...
Pink birthday cake on stand

Making the Perfect Birthday Cake

Birthday’s are a BIG deal in our house! As moms, we love and adore our kids and want to make their big day as special as they are. We could write a dozen blog posts on parties, but I want...
While I am the runner in the family, my husband is an endurance cyclist currently training for a 200 mile gravel race. He goes out for rides ranging from 2-8 hours several times a week. His rides take him...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...