Kids Cook Pizza!

What is your kid's favorite thing to eat for dinner? There's an excellent chance the answer to that question is pizza. And while pizza has the (undeserved) reputation of being unhealthy, there's also an excellent chance that you serve it...
I'm a little embarrassed to confess that I have been coasting on my own general ideas about food and nutrition to feed my kiddos, who are now 11 and 8 years old. Lately, my daughter has been getting angry at how unfair...
Veggies are this recipe's best kept secret. Shhh... don't tell the kids! Trying to get your kids to eat a few servings of vegetables every day can be challenging, especially if you've got picky eaters in the house. This healthy...
It’s the most flavorful time of the year! Yes, the emergence of Oregon strawberries - that most delicious (and rather short-lived) of seasons - officially marks the beginning of berry season in the Pacific Northwest. Whether you're a new...
As the mom of four little people, a considerable amount of my time and energy goes into feeding the kiddies. I swear some days it’s ALL I do. Plan meals, prepare food, serve food, and embark on the clean...
Just before the green peas and snappy asparagus line produce stands, I like to “spring clean” my meal plan by organizing my cupboards and giving ingredients a fresh look. After becoming a mom, I learned how meal planning can...
{Sponsored by Simply Whole by Devi, but all opinions are my own. I received some healthy snacks and recipes in exchange for my honest review.}  It feels like just yesterday when I was eating out at nice restaurants in my fast-paced...
Disclaimer #1: Fit Kitchen Direct offered me their Whole30 meals for a week and I agreed to write about my experience.  Disclaimer #2: I'm not a fan of fad diets. In fact I've been known to call them dumb. Could...
If you are like me, two things are a constant for you as a mom. First, being worried that your kid is eating enough fruits and vegetables every day. Second, being absolutely overwhelmed at the price of said produce....
Having a smaller holiday get together this year? Not sure how to downsize your favorite dishes? Don't want to make a huge meal? I hear ya! And, I have a crazy idea: don't make them! This year has been anything...

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