Looking to start talking to your little ones about important — albeit tough — topics about their bodies (and bodies in general)? Many of us, myself included, feel a sense of stress and pressure when it comes to talking to...
Before we had our oldest daughter, my husband and I talked about the most important thing we could teach her. There are lots of things to teach. So many, actually, that one might think boiling it down to one thing...
Last week, I missed my oldest son’s first piano recital because my youngest son wouldn’t go into the auditorium. It wasn’t the first time I missed out on something important or had to leave a special event because he...
A handful of years ago, I looked through stacks of our old family photos. I came across one picture that left a pit in my stomach. How much celebration of white supremacy can fit in a 4 x 6 photo? The...
I still remember when politics took a turn for me. My daughter wasn’t quite two yet when President Obama was sworn into office. Politics changed in that election because I knew it would not only affect my life from...
Ah, Oktoberfest. Just the sound of it causes this German girl's little heart to beat in time with the chicken dance! I often tell people that Oktoberfest is like a religion in my family. I grew up attending the annual...
“She flies with her own wings” is the Oregon state motto, and nobody embraces those words better than the Oregon Ravens. As the state’s only professional women’s football team, the Ravens are changing the game at warp speed. The...
My youngest son, Oliver, was born without his right hand. We adopted him from China when he was ten months old, so he is also the only Asian in our immediate family. Currently, our little man is two-and-a-half-years-old and...
I am the child of immigrant parents who wholeheartedly believed in the American dream. My parents came here for opportunities for themselves and their children and were embraced. Unfortunately, things feel different to me now. I find myself devastated...
The Oregon Ravens are a professional women's football team who are defying gender barriers in the sport. Last month, we featured a few of the players to learn what inspired them to start their football journey. This week, were...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...