Who says you need to get out of town to have an awesome spring break? Whether it's due to scheduling or budgeting conflicts, if you're staying home for spring break this year you can still make it a fun...
From the very beginning, my daughter loved being outdoors.  The joy on her face when she’s outside playing with nothing more than rocks and leaves and sticks is one of my favorite things to see.  Children are born investigators,...
Being the fourth kid in the family, one-on-one time with my daughter can be hard to come by. Especially in these past 18 months, when our family has had a loooooottttt of together time, the special attention that comes...
My mother recently visited from Virginia, so I had the opportunity to view Portland through the eyes of a tourist once more.  Granted, I’ve only been in Portland for about nine months myself, so I’m hardly a local. But...
My family recently traveled cross-country and back again, 6,000 miles in 9 days, with our 5 year old and 8 year old. And while we relied heavily on the 3 T's of traveling with children (Toys, Tablets, and Treats),...
Our family takes a lot of road trips throughout the year. Central Oregon, Oak Harbor Washington, and Salinas California are our big, annual ones, and since we most often put the miles on our minivan, the rear entertainment system (DVD...
car seat

Winter Car Seat Safety

As the weather changes it is very tempting to have our children wear their jackets in the car seat. We want our children to be warm, but we also want them to be safe. Adding layers under our children's...
Getting outside can be hard, and trying to figure out where and how can be even harder. Don’t despair parents! There is hope for those of us who don’t have a ton of time, but still have the desire...
I know just the title of this piece sounds like a bad idea. However, our family has taken many long road trips, and it's worth it (especially, when you look at the price of flying a large family). We...
Here we are, months into a Global Pandemic. Many of us are still at home, facing the holidays and wondering how it might be different this year.  Planning during uncertainty is rather challenging. However, one thing to consider is...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...