
Clarissa Sidhom’s passion is helping mamas find style, sanity, and sisterhood during the early years of parenting! As a mom to two young boys living across the country from family, she knows how hard it can be to keep your head above water. But more than surviving, she wants to thrive in parenting and help other mamas do the same. A former wedding photographer, Clarissa lives in Vancouver, WA, where she spends her days vacuuming Cheerios out of floor vents, reminding people to keep their clothes on, and advocating for her son with developmental delays. Her parenting and lifestyle blog,, is filled with fashion, home, and kids ideas to make life easier and more beautiful. You can also find her on Instagram and Pinterest @modernhipstermama!

3 Things I Learned During COVID-19 That I Hope to Never Forget

While we still have a long way to go before our world returns to normal (or at least the new version of it), many of us are adjusting to yet another new season and...
Mom with Baby - Postpartum depression

Meghan Markle, Postpartum Depression, and the Power of Our Own Stories

  “I know there’s an obsession with how things look, but has anyone talked about how it feels? Because right now, I could not feel lonelier.” - Meghan Markle I remember preparing for our first baby...
creating a post-pandemic bucket list

Creating Your Post-Pandemic Bucket List

As our Pacific Northwest winter continues on, many of us are struggling more than ever with cabin fever. After not getting to explore our beautiful city and region nearly as much in 2020 as...

Making the Most of Christmas 2020

For many of us, this Christmas is going to look dramatically different than Christmases past. Not only are we not traveling to see family, but many places for our holiday traditions are completely closed....
Thanksgiving During Covid

Making Thanksgiving Special Without Family Gatherings

For lots of families, the most wonderful time of the year might actually be the loneliest time of 2020. With COVID-19 cases continuing, many of us either live too far away from extended family...