I think it would be safe to assume the majority of you moms have Christmas cookie lovers in your homes, amiright? Kids love cookies so much that when my son was a toddler, if he would ignore my calls of...
Portland is a city filled with transplants. So many of us have moved to the PNW from other states and countries, making this corner of the west coast a unique and, in my experience, a welcoming place for "the...
I'm just going to come out and say it. The best part of Halloween is getting dressed up, and watching all the kids in their costumes. It's my FAVORITE part. What makes it even better? Family Halloween costumes!...
Hosting a “date night in” is nothing new for most parents… but on a casual night, that usually means a simple Netflix and popcorn night on the couch. With Valentine’s Day on the horizon and everyone feeling more cooped...
Ahhhh, fall. My favorite season! I can smell it in the air just after a rain or in the cool of the evening, I see it as the hills are sprinkled with color, and I taste it in a...
Who knows what moms want better than moms themselves? We love supporting local businesses and especially love when they are run by moms, offering something special for moms. Below are six Mother's Day happenings in Portland (both before and...
The end of the year sets the stage for us to reflect on all of our past resolutions. You know, the ones we vowed to accomplish at the end of last year? The ones we got three weeks in...
June! Arguably one of the best months of the year! School's out, the weather has settled into a breezy summer, and Portland comes alive. Here are some of our favorites in and around the City of Roses, all with...
Where do you find the best deals on *insert basically any kid-related item here*? Sports equipment, baby clothes, shoes, Halloween costumes, maternity jeans, you name it - these questions seem to continually pop up in the local mom group...
Whether you're Irish or not, Portland is a fantastic place to be on St. Patrick's Day. Between our growing number of Irish pubs and popular community events, you will find plenty of ways to celebrate. Since the holiday falls...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...