If you think your child is anxious, she probably is. You might recognize some of the signs: lots of questions about how things will go down, obsessing over a test or a friend conflict, meltdowns over almost being late...
Burnout is real, and it absolutely sucks. I’ve shared a lot of tips for preventing the burnout, letting life be easy, and letting go of the stress of the little things, but I haven’t shared much about getting through...
{Sponsored Post: A complimentary class and reader giveaway were provided in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.} "Work smarter not harder; it's our mantra...we want every mom to make it their own, honor your truth - come...
Did you have a baby recently and you now pee every time you stand up or laugh? You’re not alone! Urinary incontinence is common among postpartum women and it’s not talked about enough. Here are five important things to...

To Play or Perform?

Do you ever struggle with an internal battle between the pressure to take time to play and not 'wasting' time so you can perform? Oh, the mind! It's such a brat sometimes. It wants you to play. It wants you to take...
  “I know there’s an obsession with how things look, but has anyone talked about how it feels? Because right now, I could not feel lonelier.” - Meghan Markle I remember preparing for our first baby to be born. So many...
The Internet is full of "expert" advice about how to sensitively talk, or not talk to your friends and loved ones about reproductive health, family size, and secondary infertility. But what's more annoying than those asking ignorant questions or making obtuse comments is when...
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also commonly referred to as ObamaCare, has a lot of benefits many people don't know about or take advantage of. The ACA seeks to lower health care expenses by ensuring that majority of Americans...
Board the Portland Spirit for a fun-filled, two hour cruise up and down the Willamette River for a holiday experience the whole family will enjoy. Take a picture with Captain Taffy before you walk down the gangplank and step...
We all want to raise our kids to live the best lives they can. We want them to be safe, happy, healthy. This is especially true when we talk about bodies and food. As a licensed therapist specializing in eating...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...