We're moms. There are a lot of things we'd like for our birthdays, Christmas, and Mother's Day. Those cute new sandals you can't afford,...
Motherhood is synonymous with sacrifice. From the moment of conception, we sacrifice our bodies. As our bellies grow, so do the stretch marks. Moms...
A nature table is exactly what it sounds like: a tiny table where your little one can display all the natural wonders they find...
How does our family of four adults and two children share a one bathroom house in Sellwood? With difficulty! That is how. But also...
We need to establish something straight out the gate: my family does not paint. Besides the obvious lack of talent or interest in the...
Day-to-day parenting can at times feel like a scene out of the movie Groundhog Day. While there might be slight differences each day during...
With six kids ranging from one to nine-years-old in my house, a lot of snow days in Portland on the heels of winter break can...
Six years ago my husband and I purchased a home that we loved in Visalia, CA. It was large and had plenty of space...
While my children love nature, their enthusiasm for outdoor activities definitely calms with the arrival of fall and winter’s rainy and chilly days. This...
'Pinterest moms' has become a phenomenon that can make people cringe no matter what you think on the matter. Pinterest is often referred to...

Recommended Reading

Choosing the Best Summer Camp for Your STEM Kid

Back in my childhood days, many decades ago, summer camps were almost exclusively athletic and competitive in nature. We non-athletic kiddos didn’t have a...