FRIED DOUGH! We know it's not great for us, but it tastes so good. Portland has recently made a name for itself in the...
Two things I love; summer and making lists. I don't know if it's the sense of accomplishment I get from checking an item off...
Dear First Day Of Summer,
Welcome! I'm so, so, so glad you're here! The kids and I have been waiting for you. You are our...
Ahhh, beer! For some of us, it's one of the reasons we settled in the Pacific Northwest. If you didn’t move here for the beer, you certainly have...
Have you ever dreamed of what your ultimate lunch or dinner might look like if you could choose a combination of your favorite foods...
The saying goes, 'April showers bring May flowers,' and despite the fact that Portland had a record warm April, the flowers they are a...
It's almost Mother's Day and you know what that means? It is the one day we moms can request anything we want. Of course...
Most of us know one of the best ways to get energized is through exercise. And wow...if you're craving an invigorating, inspiring workout--I found your answer....
Does it ever surprise you that your kids just keep on growing--and subsequently outgrowing all those clothes you JUST bought? Or how babies today seem...
My family loves hiking. We love the outdoors. Despite this, our children are, how shall I put it? Reluctant hikers. And by that I...