Does it ever surprise you that your kids just keep on growing–and subsequently outgrowing all those clothes you JUST bought? Or how babies today seem to use more gear than the total sum of our belongings when we first struck out on our own? For all of us with a never ending shopping list but NOT an unlimited budget, a consignment sale can save you a ton of money on high-quality clothing, gear and more. Whether you are a consignment sale junkie or a virgin consignment shopper, the insider tips below will make you a super savvy shopper and a hero among your mama friends!
Disclosure: We want to thank Just Between Friends–Portland’s largest consignment sale–for sponsoring this post and providing the tips below. Their spring event is THIS WEEKEND and it promises 48,000 square feet of clean and well-organized shopping goodness!
9 Tips for shopping at Just Between Friends
1. Have a plan! Consult the floorplan on the Just Between Friends website and the “Where Can I Find It” map at the sale, so you will know where you are going.
2. Take time to assess what you have and what you need for your kids. Come armed with a list!
3. Write down what sizes you will need for your children, as they do not accept returns.
4. Test all electronics or battery operated toys in the “try before you buy area.” Just Between Friends does require consignors to do the same, but this adds peace of mind.
5. Think about upcoming holidays and birthday gifts that you may need! In addition to great clothing items, Just Between Friends has an awesome assortment of toys, books, games, DVDs and so much more.
6. Trace your child’s foot and cut it out to get an accurate shoe measurement.
7. Bring a laundry basket tied with a belt to use as a shopping cart. They also have large IKEA bags that you can use while at the event.
8. If your arms get full, visit the HOLD AREA. They will hold items for you while you continue to shop.
9. Use the buddy system! It is always more fun to shop with a friend (or two), plus you’ll save $1 on parking.
Shop the Just Between Friends Spring Sale!
Portland Expo Center – 2060 N. Marine Dr., Hall A
Visit the Just Between Friends website for more details and a complete schedule!