Everyone has their assumptions about stay-at-home-moms. They spend all of their time inside of Target, get to stroll through parks whenever they want, and have all the time in the world to keep the house clean. Maybe that is...
I left my job this year. After more than a decade’s worth of teaching high school and middle school, I took a leave of absence to make up for lost time with my kids. (And also because the stress...
My daughter had her first legit encounter with mean girls last week. Apparently, there was a group of girls talking about her in the bathroom. Another friend overheard and told her about what the girls were saying. She was crushed....
Ok, mamas. The school year is starting, and that fall buzz is in the air. You’ve got the crayons, backpacks, notebooks, and lunch boxes all in order (or not, if you’re more like me). And you probably can’t wait...
Woman holding up a smiling face over her own face

Imposter Syndrome for Moms

Today I yelled at my daughter for not eating her cereal fast enough. Then we couldn't find matching socks. Then we couldn't find a hair tie. Then I remembered that none of us had brushed our teeth. I am...
I have to start by saying, I LOVE giving gifts. I am notorious for giving belated birthday gifts in my family because I am always trying to find the *just right* present and sometimes that takes me until after...
I had a lot of grand ideas about what I planned to do with my kid once he could walk. The outdoor actuality with a toddler was not yet realized, the anticipation was still fully intact. The great outdoors...
It's here. 'Back to school' season. Screeching into my neighborhood Fred Meyer, not to mention the foothold it's had on Target for the last two weeks. Last summer I could. not. wait. for school to start again. My girls...
I watched my wobbly, big-eyed baby toddle towards me. Her arms outstretched, she fell into my arms. She handed me a board book and asked, “Read this?” I had dreamed about moments like this when I was pregnant, reading...
{WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. All names and locations, as well as minor geographical and job details have been changed to protect all parties involved - even the incarcerated, as required by law.} No one thinks it could happen to you, to...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...