There comes a day in every mother’s life that she would rather forget.  That is the day you first read the word “mucous plug.”  I say “read” because no one talks about it.  If you are like me, you...

Consent and Positive Parenting

It’s been a big time: Halloween, the end of Daylight Savings, and, of course, the mid-term election. With current events shining a spotlight on the meaning of consent and as a parent educator, I’m in awe of how recent...
We’re closing in on the last weeks of summer. The novelty is gone, everyone is home ALL THE TIME. The constant requests for snacks and my new role as referee have grown a little tiring, but there are a...
Let's be honest. Being a new mom is hard enough. Your entire world is rocked like a 9.0 earthquake. Your body is doing weird things; you're up all night with this tiny, new human being that is just as...
I was unprepared for the barrage of tasks and to dos that came with buying a house. I mean, I knew it wasn't a small task. And with the market the way it is, I expected everything would feel...
  My Dearest Sweet Pea,    I’m thankful you still let me call you that. I’m not sure if one day you’ll resist, but for today we still embrace it. You are about to enter sixth grade. Middle school. These years, for...
Along with changing classes and electives, middle school emotions bring changes that can sometimes feel like you are stuck on a roller coaster. At first, the mood changes might be dismissed as hunger or fatigue and then all of...
The evening had been challenging. They don’t call it "the witching hour" for nothing. Whining, throwing tantrums. Dinner wasn’t a quesadilla therefore not acceptable, and you’d think the request to brush his teeth was asking him to climb Mt....
My hubby and I were married for 9 years before we were blessed with our daughter (followed by our son, 3 years later). And while we longed to grow our family much earlier than 9 years in, it had...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...