Growing up, young people from all over the world lived in our house at different times. Some stayed a few months, some up to a year. I formed not just friendships, but also a genuine curiosity about the world...
Woman on bed covering head

For the Hard Days

This past month, I reached out to my mom friends and asked, "What would be meaningful for you to see online? What kind of article would you actually click on?" The responses were so aligned, I thought they might...
I sat in the forest on a fallen, moss-covered tree, watching my ten-year-old daughter and her friend dig in the mud of a creek bed. While shovels shaped the earth into new pathways, my attention turned to the sound...

No School September

Back To School posts have been in full swing (and they are very adorable), but for some of us there is no "back to" - just ongoing learning in the daily life of home and community. And despite our...
It was May when a gentle, warm breeze urged me to stop obsessing over my to-do list long enough to simply notice. My schedule had become busier than ever, and like a hamster on a spinning wheel, I was...

Recommended Reading

Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, sad, or otherwise out of sorts each winter, it’s possible you’re dealing with seasonal depression or Seasonal...