postpartum haze

My Postpartum Haze

As I feel the ache between my legs and on my chest, I am overwhelmed by a sense of lower back pain that tends to start in the middle of the day. Climbing the stairs seems harder than I...
Summer is winding down, and it's time to start thinking about the new school year. To make it easier on you, PMB has rounded up TEN of our favorite back-to-school posts here, to help you make it the best...
One night at bedtime my child whispered stories to me. They hid their face under a blanket and told their most shameful secret in stops and starts. Fortunately, their story was fairly innocuous, about an innocent mistake with unintended...
Before I had my first child, I was blissfully naive about, well, a lot of things. Many moms-to-be have an overly romanticized version of motherhood BEFORE having their first child. No one thinks it will be easy, but new...
I watched my wobbly, big-eyed baby toddle towards me. Her arms outstretched, she fell into my arms. She handed me a board book and asked, “Read this?” I had dreamed about moments like this when I was pregnant, reading...
The content of this post does not reflect my true opinion of my son’s school teacher. I absolutely adore and admire her. This post represents my own insecurities as a working mom attempting a school project at home with...
If you have school-aged children just about anywhere in Oregon (and maybe even if you don’t), you’ve probably heard that SOMETHING is happening this Wednesday, May 8th. School districts all over the state will not be open or will...
It seems like just yesterday I was stretching my daughter like a mini human Gumby in her baby yoga class. In early elementary school, we enjoyed some special time at a Saturday mother/child class. Then came kids yoga classes...
My oldest turned twelve in February. As you can imagine, we are getting into the stage of childhood that rivals any Marvel movie battle. I am just a mom trying to help, and he is a middler schooler trying...
Everyone has their assumptions about stay-at-home-moms. They spend all of their time inside of Target, get to stroll through parks whenever they want, and have all the time in the world to keep the house clean. Maybe that is...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...