If your family is anything like mine, you've had some memorable experiences with separation anxiety; daycare drop-off, date night, or a girls-only getaway. Goodbyes...
Just when I was about to lose my ever loving mind last fall in the sea of a corporate job, kids, owning a business,...
I know just the title of this piece sounds like a bad idea. However, our family has taken many long road trips, and it's...
I remember the magic of Disneyland from my childhood: shyly hugging my favorite characters, spinning on teacups in Wonderland, and getting “It’s a Small...
Last month we spent a long weekend in Manzanita--a great little town to take your family for a weekend away! And since it’s only...
If I’m being completely honest with you, there are a lot of days in this “parenting three kids” gig where I find myself staring...
I'm hearing the phrase "I'm bored" more and more as the summer goes on. Not that I feel obliged to provide a constant stream...
Traveling with your young children can instill fear in the strongest of parents, but it doesn’t need to be a stressful, difficult experience. In...
I got my first car, a 1984 Mercury Topaz, on my 16th birthday. I plastered the rear end of that car in bumper stickers...
The beautiful Pacific Northwest is ready to welcome visiting families! Known for its lush natural beauty, fine cuisine, and unique culture, Portland (and its...