One of Portland's biggest perks is its proximity to world class wines and wineries. Before I had children, I took every opportunity to visit and...
This spring our family took a trip we'd been dreaming of for a long time; we rented a motorhome and drove across multiple states...
With lots of family and friends out of state, most of our big, summer family trips are driving to see them. Once in a...
After almost three years in Oregon, I’ve finally learned to say that we are going to the "coast" instead of the beach. Back on...
It's time to hunt some geocaches! In Part One of our Geocaching Series, we explored the basics concepts of geocaching and what you need...
Trains seem to possess a magical quality that sparks the interest of every child. When my daughter was two, she could name every Thomas the...
The quaint town of Hood River is a hidden jewel located along the Columbia River Gorge. My love for Hood River began as a...
We’re Portland. Outdoorsy, nature-y, and family-friendly. That’s our thing, right? But sometimes I find my kiddos are loathe to go on a hike or...
Family vacations can be hard work, whether it is just for a weekend getaway or a long trip of fun activities. Packing, planning, and prepping...
My family loves camping. Our summer goal is to spend as many nights in our tent as possible. As many days and nights outside,...