Having a smaller holiday get together this year? Not sure how to downsize your favorite dishes? Don't want to make a huge meal? I hear ya! And, I have a crazy idea: don't make them! This year has been anything...
Dinner Table with Food

Blended Family, Crowded Table?

With the holidays approaching quicker than we can believe, it’s time to start planning the family gatherings! For some, the thoughts of togetherness fills them with joy. For others, it brings a sense of obligation, overwhelm, and sometimes even...
For lots of families, the most wonderful time of the year might actually be the loneliest time of 2020. With COVID-19 cases continuing, many of us either live too far away from extended family to safely travel, or simply...
Here we are, months into a Global Pandemic. Many of us are still at home, facing the holidays and wondering how it might be different this year.  Planning during uncertainty is rather challenging. However, one thing to consider is...

Halloween at Home

When my husband was growing up, his mom always made pumpkin cookies for Halloween. He vividly remembers the bright orange frosting on the cut-out cookies and gently placing candy corns for the eyes and nose. No matter if it...
For many of us, Father’s Day is a fun holiday to honor and celebrate life and the people we love. But for some, it’s a painful reminder of loss or a difficult family dynamic. There are so many different types...
Mother's Day 2020 is not going to play out how we imagined earlier this year. There's probably no meal out or relaxing day at the spa to celebrate just how awesome we are as moms. And, let's get real. We...
Dear Mother's Day Gift-Giver, This post is for you. Please give it a read. It is not meant to offend you or your previous Mother's Day attempts. We have loved lots of what you have done in the past, but...
For the last few months, I've been keeping an eye out for unique Mother's Day gifts, and I need to share them now! I know what you must be thinking: What is wrong with you, woman? May is months away! To...
Ahhh, March. The month of transitions. The rainy days are not yet over but spring is juuuuuust around the corner. To pass the time, we've collected a handful of fun events for you and your family to enjoy this...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...