Historically, Memorial Day is a holiday to honor military personnel who have given their lives in the line of duty. Since many employers and almost all schools have a three-day weekend, a lot of people choose to celebrate this...
Mother's Day 2020 is not going to play out how we imagined earlier this year. There's probably no meal out or relaxing day at the spa to celebrate just how awesome we are as moms. And, let's get real. We...
We all know 2020 has been a whopper of a year. Now more than ever, it’s important to support our local business community during the holidays by spending our dollars close to home. For the 2020 edition of our #shopPDX...
Every year after the holidays I am overcome with this intense urge to purge and donate all of our belongings. There’s nothing like reading the articles about making do with less “stuff” (while being bombarded with non-stop advertising), paired with...
My name is Jannah-Rae, and I am taking over my mom, Ranya’s post this month with a poem I wrote for my Baba (dad in Arabic) this Father's Day.   To My Baba on Father's Day Dads are all different you...
I don't want this to be just another sustainable Christmas post you think about for two seconds then head off to do your Christmas shopping. I want this post to stay in your mind, capture your imagination, and ignite a fire within you. I...
National Buy Nothing Day

Black Friday is NOT a Holiday

Black Friday is NOT a holiday. It is the day after Thanksgiving. Which is a holiday. A holiday in which we celebrate the things we are grateful for. We encourage our sweet, greedy little monsters to move away from...
2020 has been a doozy. One for the books. Our lives have been upended when it comes to work, school, birthdays, and events. It's time to end this tough year on a good note by making this Christmas the...
We are coming upon the time where, for just a moment, the sun is thought to “stand still”. Sol (the sun) - Sistere - (stand still). Much like the top or bottom of a breath, the solstice refers to the suns...
The kids and I sat around the coffee table and made a list of things of must-do's over Thanksgiving break. Our voices rose with excitement as we tossed out ideas for what food we wanted at our feast and what...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...