Dear tired mama, Do you ever feel like the world is against you? Or, maybe not the whole world, but your kids, your pets, and your husband? Those days when you're just worn out, weary, and feeling a little beat...
Why do working moms need health insurance? Because we can’t afford to lose one day of work just because we’re sick, and because we are moms! We work hard to sustain our family by not putting all our money...
I recently had the chance to attend a thought-provoking, community-building workshop with The Goodness Collaborative. Part of the workshop was a panel of local entrepreneurs who shared their stories of the journey they each had taken that led them...
September was Suicide Prevention Month, and I believe the best way to prevent it is to normalize talking about it. So, we are continuing the conversation. It’s easy to suffer alone when everyone who’s suffering is silent about it....
Essential oils are all the rage right now. You see them almost everywhere: the superstore, drugstore, natural store, homestead store, and even the online store. They line up shelves and take up stock. People sing their praises and attest...
I keep hearing words like “self care” and “balance,” but what do they really mean? Well, you learn real quick when life throws you a curve ball. Let me start by saying that I’m not sure balance actually exists. I...
I, for one, LOVE this break from youth sports. I do not miss carpooling, washing uniforms, or trying to find matching socks. I DO miss watching them play. I miss cheering them on with the other parents. I don’t...
{Thank you to the Portland Plastic Surgery Group for sponsoring this post.} Between friends, homework, and hormones, high school girls have enough on their plates. But for many teenagers, they also must deal with something that may surprise you: overly...
I wouldn’t have made the appointment for my daughter's well-child check except that I knew she was due for vaccinations. I went in with ease and confidence because this has been our healthiest year as a family ever. We...
October is domestic violence awareness month, and I wanted to address this issue and possibly provide some education on the subject. Whether or not you are in a relationship, and even if your relationship is healthy and positive, I...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...