Did you have a baby recently and you now pee every time you stand up or laugh? You’re not alone! Urinary incontinence is common among postpartum women and it’s not talked about enough. Here are five important things to...
Summertime. We’re outside, we’re active, and we go to sleep tired every night. In all its awesomeness, summer does come with certain health risks, and we've partnered with Legacy-GoHealth Urgent Care to chat about summer safety and options for...
With all of its festivity and yuletide joys, winter's official kickoff in December is easily greeted, but something sinister looms on the other side of New Year's Eve, the winter blues. I began to experience a frustrating decline in...
Lately I’ve been thinking about what it looks like to choose rest amidst the tasks of motherhood. While I’m sure most of us could opt for more physical rest, in what ways do we intentionally slow down during the...
I gave birth to my second child not too long ago. I promised myself that I would enjoy the time with my baby and refrain from pressuring myself to shed the postpartum pounds. After dropping most of the excess...
Essential oils are all the rage right now. You see them almost everywhere: the superstore, drugstore, natural store, homestead store, and even the online store. They line up shelves and take up stock. People sing their praises and attest...
We live in an amazing city, overflowing with beautiful yoga spaces, talented teachers, and a community that supports women in this sacred season. Motherhood often requests so much from us externally. For me, prenatal yoga fosters time to listen to my...
“Are there any stories that shock you, anymore?” I’ve asked the poison control nurses and pharmacists. As a public educator for the Oregon Poison Center, I have spent some time in the call room to better understand how the...
Anna was starting first grade and I remember looking at her in the rear view mirror on our way to school, she sat silent looking out the window. I could tell by the look on her face that she...
I stand, head bowed in the shower wishing that the hot water could wash away the dark fatigue that pulls hard at my body and the corners of my mind. It feels good to let the water fall on...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...