I, for one, LOVE this break from youth sports. I do not miss carpooling, washing uniforms, or trying to find matching socks. I DO miss watching them play. I miss cheering them on with the other parents. I don’t...
As parents of young kids, the first sign of a winter cough or cold may trigger a moment of panic! And no wonder--winter colds can often drag into months of lingering coughs and runny noses, fussy babies and toddlers,...
I stand, head bowed in the shower wishing that the hot water could wash away the dark fatigue that pulls hard at my body and the corners of my mind. It feels good to let the water fall on...
If you think your child is anxious, she probably is. You might recognize some of the signs: lots of questions about how things will go down, obsessing over a test or a friend conflict, meltdowns over almost being late...
The Five Stages of a Workout

The Five Stages of a Workout

I’m going to be honest here and say I had no idea what motherhood would do to my body. I look at the jiggle of my tummy and my enormous hips and think, what happened to me? I make...
I love summer. The outdoors, the camps, the sun, the water, the heat, the bugs... Okay, so the bugs and heat aren't my favorite. Nevertheless, there are plenty of opportunities for fun, but also a heightened need to focus...
Did you have a baby recently and you now pee every time you stand up or laugh? You’re not alone! Urinary incontinence is common among postpartum women and it’s not talked about enough. Here are five important things to...
Maybe it was a small piece of leftover candy from Halloween or the last slice of pumpkin pie, but something told me I needed to make a change in my relationship with food and exercise. It was the day...
During this time of the coronavirus and quarantines, we need to think outside the box about how to keep our kids connected to the important people in their lives. Many kids are missing visits with their non-primary parent and/or...
Did you know that January is Cervical Health Awareness Month? As moms, we should take care of ourselves in order to take care of our families, and one way of doing so is making sure we are healthy inside...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...