I recently had the joy of taking one of my daughters to see a classic movie from my own childhood. I relish the times when I get to share what I loved as a child with my own children....
To kindergarten or not to kindergarten? That is a question for many parents with children who have birthdays on the months immediately preceding the cutoff date. In a time when expectations of young children are increasing, and kindergarten in Oregon is now...
Sometimes it's hard letting the littlest grow up. On a rainy Saturday morning, I’m sipping hot ginger tea at our large granite kitchen island. The littlest stumbles out of his room, rubbing his eyes and looking for me. His blue pajama pants look...
We are a no-shoes-in-the-house family; at least that is the rule we, or I, set for our family. This means  we have a bin at the front and back doors where shoes with mucky soles go, and only socks...
Since becoming a mom I stopped caring whether or not my socks match. Frankly, I haven't the time nor patience after doing everyone else's laundry! Isn't that typical? We are used to putting our tiny humans' needs before our...
That groundhog told us six more weeks of winter on February 2nd, and I am glad to see those weeks come to an end. It is time to say goodbye to the winter that maxed out school snow days...
The evening had been challenging. They don’t call it "the witching hour" for nothing. Whining, throwing tantrums. Dinner wasn’t a quesadilla therefore not acceptable, and you’d think the request to brush his teeth was asking him to climb Mt....
Seven years ago, I gave birth to a sweet little boy in the middle of summer. A very hot summer. We spent our days trying to stay cool and our nights pacing the sidewalks as I attempted to lull...
Don't try and hide it, mamas. We know your crazy has shown in new ways since you ventured out into the world of motherhood. I polled the other moms with the question, "How has motherhood revealed your crazy?" promising...
Dear Mama of a Very Little Baby, I see you walking your fussy baby around the block. Again and again. And then again. I see the light in your window at 3:37 a.m. I saw it last night too....

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...