This post is sponsored by our friends at Portland Children's Dentistry. We first met Dr. Patty and some of her team at our summer playdate and were truly impressed; so when the topic of healthy teeth came up, we knew it...
When I was a kid, I spent many Sundays at my uncle's house listening to people yell excitedly at the television as football teams battled it out. I often sat there snacking with a book, and side-eyed them—like a...
After spending a few years waiting in the car line to pick my kids up from school, I have learned a few tricks to help pass the time. Here are some of the fun things I do while waiting, and I...
I was close to my son's age when I learned my first big lesson about hard work. We lived on a small farm with horses, goats and a big yard. A memory that will forever stick in my head...
back to school year do less

Six Back to School Tips

It is that time of the year again: back to school! How many of us are ready for the routine to begin again? The early mornings, the school lunches, the drops offs and pick ups? The morning madness and...
So apparently my daughter knows the F-word. Come to find out, she also knows a lot of other swear words as well. She’s not alone, though. In the same conversation where she revealed her expanding vocabulary, it was also...
Oh, how the pendulum has swung. I was part of the free-range generation. We ran around, almost always unsupervised. I came home to a house full of extended family who spoke little to no English, helped myself to food,...
One night at bedtime my child whispered stories to me. They hid their face under a blanket and told their most shameful secret in stops and starts. Fortunately, their story was fairly innocuous, about an innocent mistake with unintended...
I enjoy books in many genres, but young adult fiction is by far my favorite section in any bookstore. For years our house had their books and my books. With my daughter entering middle school, I am at a...
Maybe you have been waiting for this moment. Maybe you have been dreading it. Either way, it’s go time. You smell the faint onion-y whiff of BO. You see the beginnings of boobs. Your dentist suggests a visit to the...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...