Dear Parents, Teachers are gearing up for the school year slowly approaching. We are in staff development workshops, preparing our course websites/course materials, and quickly getting our classrooms ready for your littles (and not so littles) to join us on...
We all know that every child is unique and special.  It does no one any good to compare any of your children to their siblings or any other child, or to compare your parenting experience to mine.  Parenting in...
For many of us, hearing the phrase “kids wearing makeup” immediately conjures up images of Honey Boo Boo and Toddlers in Tiaras—little girls forced to grow up too fast. As soon as I found out I was having a...
When I look back at the first year of my daughter’s life, I see only one big dark blur of chaos, baby puke, diaper blowouts, endless sleepless nights, teething (prime reason for the endless sleepless nights), tears (both my...
{WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. All names and locations, as well as minor geographical and job details have been changed to protect all parties involved - even the incarcerated, as required by law.} No one thinks it could happen to you, to...

You’re a Good Mama

Have I mentioned I love my kids?  Love ‘em. More than my next breath.  But I hate grocery shopping with them. Bless their little hearts, I hate it.  In the summer when they are all home, I’d rather go...
This summer my son started taking swimming lessons.  Since he just turned one, it's really a class to get him acquainted with the water.  It has been fun to see him get more comfortable in the pool (as he hates...
There comes a day in every mother’s life that she would rather forget.  That is the day you first read the word “mucous plug.”  I say “read” because no one talks about it.  If you are like me, you...

The Mom Hat

I am not one to wear a hat unless I am headed out for a walk and it’s raining, but I do like to think of the many roles I have had in my 50+ years of life as...
It’s that time of year--the season when parents all over the Portland area are eagerly visiting preschools, adding their names to waiting lists and hoping beyond hope that their child gets into the best nursery school this coming fall....

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...