My little guy turns ONE this month! My body, mind, and soul can hardly believe it. Looking back, certain moments feel like years ago and others seem like yesterday. I have learned a great deal—both about motherhood and myself—and have...
There is quiet in my house in this moment. Well, the dishwasher is running and the white noise in the baby’s room is on to keep her from hearing her big brother. However, there is a peace that only happens...

No Sitter? No Problem!

We’ve all heard the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” But increasingly in our global society, many new parents settle in places far away from their hometowns or home countries and have only a limited or...
You know those parents who just gush over their kid's every moment of every day? They have infinite patience, unending smiles, and all the time (and desire) in the world to play with their little ones. Let’s be honest....
I love my baby boy. He has brought more joy into my life than I ever imagined, and I’m so lucky to be his mama. However, my child was cursed with an inability to sleep, which I have since...

Today, It Was Roseburg

At 11 a.m. this morning I was driving around doing errands when I heard a news report that brought tears to my eyes.  “A mass shooting has been reported at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. Several fatalities have...
School starts this week. I have a second grader and a full-day kindergartener in two different schools with one homeschooled preschooler still at home. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for nearly eight years, and I'm now adjusting to the change...
school year

4 Tips for a Great School Year

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love pumpkin spice-flavored everything, fall leaves, warm sweaters, and most of all, sending my lovable knucklehead kids back to school. The prospect of having seven and a half hours without enduring the sibling...
My Sweet Baby Girl, I know you are a big girl now, mostly because you remind me at least twice a day, but you’ll always be my baby.  When you are sleeping, your arms curled into your body and your...
I remember when I said it. Even back then, as a naïve new mom, I knew it sounded crass the moment it came out of my mouth, but it was true. "I don't have any mommy guilt," I proclaimed, perhaps...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...