Hoping your kids will move out someday? Yeah, me too. A month ago my youngest moved to another state and I thought, for the third time, that I’d have an empty nest. But no. Honestly, I was ambivalent about them...
Dear Mama of a Very Little Baby, I see you walking your fussy baby around the block. Again and again. And then again. I see the light in your window at 3:37 a.m. I saw it last night too....
Before she was born, I had big plans to shield my baby girl from the pressures and dangers of this world.  Of course, by “pressures and dangers” I mean Cinderella, Jasmine, Ariel and Snow White.  I appreciate the feminine...
"I don't like school and I hate to read!" My second grader sobbed as I sat at the kitchen table and watched helplessly as giant tears dripped on her folded hands. "But reading is wonderful! Why don't you like it?" I...

Quarantine Parenting

About eight weeks ago, I was worried about surviving Spring Break - and this post was to be about my misadventures. Instead, it’s about our new world. This is quarantine parenting. Like many of you, I had Spring Break travel plans. Then,...
That groundhog told us six more weeks of winter on February 2nd, and I am glad to see those weeks come to an end. It is time to say goodbye to the winter that maxed out school snow days...
The Struggle From the first moment I held my son, I felt I had always known him, as though we fit together seamlessly. But lately, I struggle with him. He is so full of zest, such high energy, always go go...
Woman on bed covering head

For the Hard Days

This past month, I reached out to my mom friends and asked, "What would be meaningful for you to see online? What kind of article would you actually click on?" The responses were so aligned, I thought they might...
My younger sister is having her first baby in October, and it has been so much fun preparing to welcome a new little one into our family. My kids are five and three, so while pregnancy and all things...
Remember the old saying, "The best way to reach (whoever's) heart is through their stomach"? Well, it's true! Recently, I've been using my kids' stomachs to give them a greater love and understanding of themselves and their world. Eating Your...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...