It’s crazy to me how I literally grow a human being, and yet she turns out to be so different from me. We look alike, but my daughter and I are opposites in so many ways. Learning to parent...
We are living amidst the good ol' days. My kids are growing up, and it is happening so fast. Here are five favorite 'mommy moments' I’m enjoying during this season of mommy life (while I apply eye cream and...
My boys are my greatest achievements and my deepest work. Parenting is a challenge, no matter the gender, and I have been thoroughly exhausted on multiple occasions from the high energy and constant fighting between my two boys. I choose my...
Ahhh, bedtime. Since becoming a parent, I’ve always looked forward to this precious time of day. When my kiddos were small and needed so-many-things and so-much-supervision, bedtime meant that I got a break. Today my kids are six and...
Did the RMS Titanic have a cruise director? I don’t know, but if they did, I think I know how they felt when that ship was going down. Something along the lines of, “But...I wanted to do fun things...!”...
With school starting back up have you been thinking about getting started with music lessons but not sure where to start? It is a known and widely studied fact that music education in children is beneficial. Some of the benefits...
I enjoy books in many genres, but young adult fiction is by far my favorite section in any bookstore. For years our house had their books and my books. With my daughter entering middle school, I am at a...
Being a mom is hard. Some things I can manage decently, but then there are other things about momming that I really suck at. Here are my top five mom things I suck at and why: 1. Grocery Shopping As a...
My daughter had her first legit encounter with mean girls last week. Apparently, there was a group of girls talking about her in the bathroom. Another friend overheard and told her about what the girls were saying. She was crushed....
Stamped feet and hands on hips, my three-year-old and I were locked in a power struggle across the daycare parking lot. I am the parent and he is the child but I was a lifeline away from being a...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...