The Midwives by My Side

It just so happened that I attended Birthingway College’s “So You Want To Be A Midwife” event a few weeks prior to getting those two life-changing pink lines. Although it hadn’t been on my mind at the event, there...
My daughter was born in 2009 via an emergency C-section that proved very traumatic for me. My husband and I are thinking of adding a fourth member to our little family soon, and if we do, I will be...
My younger sister is having her first baby in October, and it has been so much fun preparing to welcome a new little one into our family. My kids are five and three, so while pregnancy and all things...
October is a month is set aside to bring awareness to the roughly  25% of pregnancies that do not reach full-term. Specifically, October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.  We feel the loss of our babies, whether...
As a pregnant mom, being asked what I'm having is a question I hear daily. Second only to “wow, when are you due?” because I’m carrying twins and let’s just say I don’t exactly carry small. These seemingly innocuous...
They say hindsight is 20/20. They are right. In the last two years, many of my friends who were going through their first pregnancy asked me what I wish I'd done differently. Now, I’m not a person who lives...

How My VBAC Healed Me

On August 2nd, 2016 I achieved the unimaginable. I had such a low probability of success that my decision to attempt a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) sounded pretty crazy. But something stubborn, calm, and unwavering inside of me...
You've waited nine months for this moment. Your baby is born and you get to see him or her for the very first time. You want this moment to be as special and beneficial as possible for you and...
Parenting is flooded with acronyms; CIO, RIE, BLW, EBF, and on and on. I’ve been a mom for almost ten years now, and the only acronym that has worked for me consistently is DWW: Do What Works! While parenting...
A woman pregnant with twins seems to be a natural spectacle. And I get it; carrying more than one baby is kind of crazy and fascinating. Seriously, I feel that way on a daily basis. So you can imagine...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...