Some of my favorite childhood memories involve my mom and her superpower of helping others. I remember her taking me to hand out cookies at a local shelter when I was 7, buying gifts for a classmate and doing...
I’m in the midst of back-to-school planning, logistically and mentally. Buying school supplies, planning lunches, making sure everyone has clothes and shoes that fit, and strategizing schedules. If you’re like me, you’ve already begun thinking about how to make...
Welcome to your go-to resource for all things baby in Portland and the surrounding areas! This year, we've spiced it up by including videos from our virtual Bloom event, where we connected with local pregnancy, postpartum, and newborn panelists....
Camp Tonsafun is here to save your summer and make a mess of your kitchen... in the very best way possible. When our partners at Comcast reached out to tell me about Camp Tonsafun I thought it sounded cool,...
It's here! The PMC 2023 Guide to Portland Summer Camps is live! Find everything you need to learn about our regions very best that summer has to offer!
Boy in a playroom

Rethinking the Playroom

I often hear families express the desire for “more space” in their house, and they think that adding a playroom for their young children is the way to go. They fantasize that if their kids have a space to...
As some Oregon coastal towns are opening back up, we're dreaming of a family surf adventure. It’s easy to paint an idyllic picture, working your way up the coast, camping at a different beach every night, exploring the coastline,...
They seem to come out of nowhere. Even if you can plan for or predict them, it doesn't take away their intensity.  There's the scream, the foot stomp, the aggressive "No," and that face that makes you feel hot, stressed...
Over the past year and a half, many parents found themselves suddenly seeking nanny services, often with little time to prepare or room to research. And while many might have magically found their perfect Mary Poppins, the truth is...
It's cold. It's dark. It's the holidaze. So grab a cozy sweater and a warm cup of and snuggle up to check out some solid ideas for family fun this November.November 11-13 Oregon Convention CenterKumoricon is the largest anime...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...