I’ve always struggled to keep my home clean. I blame my mom for that. She used to tell me "If you can’t do a job right, then don’t do it." She meant well, obviously it was encouragement to do...
'Pinterest moms' has become a phenomenon that can make people cringe no matter what you think on the matter. Pinterest is often referred to as an online magazine, where instead of making doggie ears on the pages you love,...
Since you’re reading a self-proclaimed mom blog, it’s safe to assume you're familiar with the stereotypical mom “types” you might find on something like a Buzzfeed quiz. Crunchy, PTA, Soccer, Fitness, Hot Mess, Parenting Expert, Pinterest, Helicopter, Hipster, and...
For our family, one of the best things to come out of our early pandemic days was our foray into raising chickens. Not only do we now enjoy urban-fresh eggs on the regular, but our hens have provided a...
Remember the old saying, "The best way to reach (whoever's) heart is through their stomach"? Well, it's true! Recently, I've been using my kids' stomachs to give them a greater love and understanding of themselves and their world. Eating Your...
Boy in a playroom

Rethinking the Playroom

I often hear families express the desire for “more space” in their house, and they think that adding a playroom for their young children is the way to go. They fantasize that if their kids have a space to...
We don’t live near an outdoor community pool (and swimming inside feels offensive to the season), we’ve become familiar with the local park’s splash pad. My kids enjoy having the option of playing in the water or playing on...
In our family, only one of our kids has ever expressed much interest in competitive sports. However, it is important that kids have physical activity and exposure to different forms of movement and exercise. With that goal in mind,...
It was a gray, rainy Saturday afternoon; the baby was napping, and my two girls refused to be entertained by Disney princesses or the good clean fun of coloring books. No, they had an appetite for some sort of...
Halloween is my favorite holiday, and my kid's class Halloween party is the perfect place to let my excitement out. After years of throwing class parties, I have it down to a system. For a one-hour class party, I set...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...