National Bakery Day was yesterday, September 14th! Didn’t know such a festive day existed? Neither did we, but we were delighted to discover yet another reason to shove our favorite sweet and savory baked goodies down our throats. To...
Rose City Comic Con, a Portland tradition taking place THIS WEEKEND at the Oregon Convention Center, is famous among many for its celebration of all things sci-fi, fantasy, comic books, and more. This year, organizers have included a family-friendly...
Summer’s almost over, and school is back in full swing this week and next all over Portland. But there’s still lots of family-friendly fun to be had in the metro area in September. Check out these Portland family events...
If you’ve ever watched a group of kids gathered around a pile of birthday gifts, you know exactly how my kids’ faces looked when Play Fair PDX's Play Box arrived on our front porch. They couldn’t wait to tear...
I’ll admit I have a love-hate relationship with shopping. On one hand, adding to my wardrobe can be refreshing, replacing old or worn-out items is often necessary, and new things are sometimes fun by their nature. On the other...
Living in the Pacific NW is a feast of all the best it has to offer. When the sun is out, so are the people. We’re building sandcastles at the beach, traveling through the mountains, hiking in the gorge,...
We all know the drill: a birthday is coming up and we want to make it memorable for our kids. Whether it's a homemade birthday party or going "all out," from clowns and magicians, bowling and swimming parties, to...
It’s that time of year folks, when the rain subsides (mostly) and we get to really enjoy our fabulous local outdoor entertainment. One of my family’s favorite activities is going to outdoor concerts and festivals. And Portland has quite...
Summer is here and lucky for those of us in the Portland Metro area, that means access to an incredible amount of free, family-friendly festivals, farms, parks, splash pads, and more. We’ve done the legwork for you, the only...
I say it every year. Whether I’m staying at home with my kids for the summer or trying to find childcare so I can work, every year I feel like summer sneaks up on me and bonks me over...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...