To My Daughter, Welcome to middle school. These are exciting years of change and growth. You know you’ll always be my little girl and I will protect you whenever I can. That said, I can't protect you from growing up so...
Holy enchiladas, mamas! Eight is so much trickier than I thought it would be, and I've realized I need a new plan. My girl is busy copping an older-than-appropriate attitude, and sauntering out of the room with a GIGANTIC eye-roll, but I...
Sometimes it's hard letting the littlest grow up. On a rainy Saturday morning, I’m sipping hot ginger tea at our large granite kitchen island. The littlest stumbles out of his room, rubbing his eyes and looking for me. His blue pajama pants look...
After spending a few years waiting in the car line to pick my kids up from school, I have learned a few tricks to help pass the time. Here are some of the fun things I do while waiting, and I...
It's almost back-to-school, an exciting time because kids are growing, seasons are changing, and I’m about to have three kids in school all day for the first time. Huzzah! Each fall, the dramatic return to daily schedules feels like a...
I no longer have babies or toddlers, and am on the brink of waving goodbye to the preschool stage for good. I love parenting these children who are no longer babies, but are yet to be adults. Although I...

Quarantine Parenting

About eight weeks ago, I was worried about surviving Spring Break - and this post was to be about my misadventures. Instead, it’s about our new world. This is quarantine parenting. Like many of you, I had Spring Break travel plans. Then,...
There is a lot of talk about kids adjusting to kindergarten and it’s all very important. It is a big adjustment. But what about preparing for the changes a mom goes through when her child goes off to kindergarten?...
Few things elicit my momma bear instincts more than when my child’s feelings are hurt because of a friend. It’s a horrible feeling if your child wasn’t invited to a birthday party or if their friend left them out....
One night at bedtime my child whispered stories to me. They hid their face under a blanket and told their most shameful secret in stops and starts. Fortunately, their story was fairly innocuous, about an innocent mistake with unintended...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...