Motherhood is hard. There isn't a manual, book or Google search to help begin to answer the 10,000 questions I've Googled anyway out of desperation, curiosity or just sheer exhaustion. I tried searching Terrible Twos, then Terrible Threes and I...
It’s not “I love you,” "I do," or “You’re the most wonderful woman in the world,” although it’s definitely nice to hear that.  The most romantic words my husband ever said came when we were watching a late-night talk...
I recently talked about the importance of dates with your significant other, and gave 28 date ideas around Portland. In our family we also like to have family dates. We value being intentional with our kids just as much...
February is Children's Dental Health Month, and we want to thank our our friends at Nelson Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics for providing and sponsoring this post--giving us the opportunity to take a bite out of some common misconceptions about those...
My little girl wants to be Wonder Woman. She puts on that outfit and vanquishes bad guys and saves the world. She spins and jumps and lassos until she is stopped mid leap by the full length mirror in my...
I saw the news story last week and panic set in at rapid pace. I frantically read the article titled, State Finds Alarmingly High Arsenic and Cadmium Levels Near Two SE Portland Schools. It stated that arsenic and cadmium levels...
I love yoga. I really do. I love going to classes. I love doing videos at home. I love reading The Yoga Journal. Yoga is my lifeline to sanity, and has been my best friend and stress-buster for nearly...
Spring seems like a natural time to clean.  The sun comes out of hiding, the trees are green again, and the flowers start pushing their way out of the dirt.  Sounds nice, right?  But spring is still a few...
They say it’s those we love the most who are also the ones we hurt. I have found this to be excruciatingly true as a mother who sometimes struggles with uncontrollable anger. I have memories from childhood of my mother...
I love asking questions that make people think beyond their current reality. Things like, "If you had to choose right now, what would you do for the rest of your life? If you were an animal which one would...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...